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A brand new talk and a guided tour - STORIES FROM THE CITY OF LONDON

Did you know that Bobby Moore, who captained England to World Cup glory in 1966 was immortalised in the City of London cemetery alongside his parents Robert and Doris Moore in 1993?

And did you also know that The City of London Cemetery is also home to a diverse cast of characters including:

  • John Merrick, The Elephant Man, whose remains were laid to rest on the 24th April 1890
  • Polly Nichols, First Victim of Jack the Ripper
  • Catherine Eddowes, Forth Victim of Jack the Ripper and the second woman to die on the double murder, 30th September 1888
  • Bentley, Tucker and Choate, the 3 police officers who died in the line of duty on December 16, 1910, sparking the manhunt which led to the Siege of Sidney Street on January 3rd, 1911
All these stories and more will feature in STORIES FROM THE CITY OF LONDON

The price to book this exclusive talk for your venue or event is £75 plus travel expenses. Laptop, HDMI cable and red star clicker button will be provided.
If you would like to book Gary's exclusive 'Stories from the City of London'' talk for your group or event, please contact him on 07793817759,, or via this website.