A brand new talk based on the life of Walter Tull. Born of mixed-race parentage in Folkestone in 1888, Walter is a forgotten hero. By the age of 9, he had lost both his parents and was raised in children's orphanage in Bethnal Green, where he first showed his talent for football. In 1908 he signed for Clapton in Isthmian League, and soon the big clubs were calling. In 1909 he signed for Tottenham Hotspur, but the dream move soon turned sour after a hostile barracking at Aston Gate. In 1911 he signed for Northhmpton Town and three years later was on the verge of signing for Glasgow Rangers. However, in 1914 war was declared and Walter joined the ranks and quickly rose to position of Second Lieutenant in May 1917. In the same year, he led 60 men across the Piave River and brought them all back safely. His commanding Officer Sidney Lawford recommended Walter Tull for a military cross. However, to this day the request has been denied...
The price to book this exclusive talk for your venue or event is £75 plus travel expenses. Laptop, HDMI cable and red star clicker button will be provided.
If you would like to book Gary's exclusive 'Walter Tull: Request Denied'' talk for your group or event, please contact him on 07793817759, hitchcocktalksandtours@gmail.com, or via this website.